Git Queue Documentation

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A GitHub Action to handle job queues stored in Git.

Welcome to the Git Queue documentation for the Git Queue - GitHub Action.

Git Queue is a job queue with concurrency optimistic lock mechanism to guarantee job execution order (by updating the job state), implemented with a event sourcing approach, using empty git commits as the event store. Currently with one pending-to-process job limit.

This is how git log looks when you use the queue:

Sequence diagram

The queue has the following characteristics:

And features:

Check the Roadmap for upcoming features.

Use case

One comment use case is updating a submodule in a project when the submodule repository is updated.

Sequence diagram


Original idea by Cameron Garnham.

The gpg.ts and openpgp.ts files were originally copied from this GitHub Action repository.


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.

Projects using Git Queue